Saturday, November 14, 2009


So last night was the first night home. And yes, I, Katie, am up at 6:30 in the morning being productive. But it's only because I haven't gone to bed yet....
I feel like last night was my personal initiation into parenthood. Anybody can go through labor, but I was up all night trying to feed, clothe, and change baby Austin. And then the cycle would restart just about the time I was laying him down in his bassinet and heading to the bathroom.
I had the hour of attempting to breastfeed and finally turning to a bottle.
I had the diaper change that turned into, how many times can I make mommy rewipe my butt and then let her figure out after the 4th poop in the same diaper that I just peed all over myself and the changing pad (and the blanket covering me because I had gotten poop on my clothes too) - btw, I did have his diddly-doo covered with a wipe when he went everywhere. And then he pooped again.
I just quit putting clothes on him and he's content (and warm enough) in a swaddled receiving blanket.
I haven't had more than an a couple hours sleep at a time since I gave birth to him on Wednesday.

And he's still the best thing that ever happened to me.

1 comment:

  1. things will get better with practice! you'll start to settle into a routine (all 3 of you), and you'll be able to anticipate what he wants/needs/how he acts/etc. And being tired is a standard of new parents. :-) lol just like being in college again, sorta. With the not sleeping thing, the always busy thing, etc.... ^_^


